Lessons from UN2758 - How liberals must protect world institutions | Host: LibdemsHK
22nd Mar 2025 7:45pm - 9pm
Greenwich Mean Time
Greenwich Mean Time
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Event Details
Lessons from UN Resolution 2758
How liberals must protect world Institutions
- Understanding the facts ins UN2758
- Underlying that the UK's ‘One China Policy’ is not the same
as Beijing's “One China”.
- How do we answer Paddy Ashdown's golden question:
"What is the purpose of the Liberal Democrats" by putting
our words into action and support Taiwanese institutions on
the world stage?
Gray Sergeant
PhD candidate with a research focus on Anglo-American relations towards China at the LSE | (Indo-Pacific Geopolitics) at the Council on Geostrategy
Neal Robbins
Journalism in Hong Kong, Taiwan, India and London. Neil recently completed an award-winning documentary, "Taiwan Undaunted".
Phil Bennion
Liberal Democrats
Vice President at Liberal International & Former MEP
The discussion will be facilitated by Nicholas Chan, vice-chair | Liberal Democrats Friends of Hong Kong
Liberal Democrats Spring Conference 2025 Harrogate
Liberals Conversations on China
Venue: Harrogate Convention Centre, Queen's Suite: Meeting Room 4
Date & Time: Saturday, 22 March, 19:45 - 21:00
Further details on LibDemsHK website: click here
Our email: info@friendsofhongkong.org.uk