2025-01-11 10:00:002025-01-11 16:00:00Europe/LondonACTION DAY - Epsom and EwellChurch Road, Epsom, KT17 4AB
Event Details
Join us for our first ACTION DAY of the year as we gear up for a huge 2025 of campaigning!
With Surrey County Council Elections just around the corner, we are aiming to start the year STRONG with a huge ACTION DAY to bring start the year as we mean to go on! If you are able to help with canvassing, delivering, or even helping make some cups of tea all members are welcome.
Lunch will of course be included. The hall round the back of the building (The Forge Room) is booked slightly later on in the morning so come and join for some hot food and warmth after a morning of campaigning!
Parking is limited, but there are bus stations nearby. There is also 2hrs Free Parking at Sainsbury's just up the road.