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Curry and Quiz Evening

Curry and Quiz Evening

21st Jun 2024 7pm - 10pm
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2024-06-21 19:00:00 2024-06-21 22:00:00 Europe/London Curry and Quiz Evening 14 York Road, Broadstone, BH18 8ET


£15.00 + Free fee

Sale Ended

Event Details

Join us for our summer curry & quiz evening on Friday, the 21st June 2024. 

This is a great, fun opportunity to meet and socialise with other local Lib Dems.

The teams will be made up of 6 people, if there are specific people you would like to be on a team with please email us on office@mdnplibdems.org to let us know. New to the area? First event? Don’t know any other members? Let us know and we’ll put you on a team with a group of new friends! Hard of hearing? No problem: we can provide a sheet of questions! Just let us know. 

The quiz covers a wide range of subjects to really test your knowledge, and our quiz-master is our very own parliamentary candidate Vikki Slade.

Our new curry chef, Anu, will be preparing delicious, authentic vegetable curries with all the extras, to be followed by a wide selection of mouth-watering home-made desserts. We also have options suitable for vegan, GF and diabetic diets.

There will be a bar serving lagers, ales, red and white wines and soft drinks. And no Lib Dem event is complete without a raffle!

Let’s get our General Election fundraising off to a great start!

Tickets are just £15, to include a curry, dessert selection and entry to the Quiz. Bring some friends for a great night out!