2024-05-15 19:00:002024-05-15 21:00:00Europe/London"HEAR ALL ABOUT IT!"- Confidential Member Briefing7 London Road, Ewell, Epsom, KT17 2AY
Event Details
This is your chance to “Hear all about it!”, to ask questions and figure out just what you may be able to DO to help create our truly exciting, energising and victorious GENERAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN. It might be some ‘backstage’ but vital task, or something ‘centre stage’.
We want to talk to our members to explain the work we have done to date, where we are and what we ALL still need to do - TOGETHER in preparation for the General Election.
First there will be a BIG TEAM PHOTO at 7pm outside Bourne Hall, Ewell. We need as many people as possible to attend.
The evening will be an optimistic opportunity to relax, socialise and have a drink as well!