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Sevenoaks Talks … with David Skinner

Sevenoaks Talks … with David Skinner

15th May 2024 7:45pm - 9:30pm
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2024-05-15 19:45:00 2024-05-15 21:30:00 Europe/London Sevenoaks Talks … with David Skinner London Road, Sevenoaks, TN13 1ZZ


Standard ticket
£10.00 + Free fee

Sale Ended

Donation to parliamentary campaign
£10.00 + Free fee

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Under 25s
£5.00 + Free fee

Sale Ended

Event Details

Are international responses to humanitarian crises effective? 

In the last few years there have been crises arising from both conflict and natural causes. Have the responses been effective? What has worked? What hasn't? Are the significant amounts of money that have been spent been wasted? Have those been affected been able to ensure that the response has met their own needs? Can more be done to prevent possible future crises?

David Skinner has worked for Save the Children around the world for twenty years. He led Save the Children's operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan and in the Rohingya Refugee Camps in Bangladesh. He also responded to Ebola in West Africa. More recently he was seconded into the UN architecture to help coordinate the responses to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and also to the conflict in Palestine.

David will be in conversation with Claire Shea to try to answer some of these questions.


Sevenoaks Talks are a series of key speaker events where experts in their field are invited to come and share their thoughts on the big issues that face us today.  


Tickets: £10 (£5 for under 25s)

Donations to our parliamentary campaign encouraged.