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North East Scotland Liberal Democrats - Mini Conference

North East Scotland Liberal Democrats - Mini Conference

10th Feb 2024 9:30am - 4:30pm (GMT+01:00)
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2024-02-10 09:30:00 2024-02-10 16:30:00 Europe/London North East Scotland Liberal Democrats - Mini Conference St Mary's Place, Inverurie, AB51 3NW


North-East Scotland Liberal Democrats Mini Conference
£10.00 + Free handling

Sale Ended

Event Details

North-East Liberal Democrats Mini Conference

The parties in the North-East are reviving their spring get-together which has not been held for a while. It will be held in Inverurie at St Mary's Church, on the 10th February 2024. Keynote speaker will be Wendy Chamberlain, MP and Chief Whip for the Liberal Democrats in Westminster.

The event will run between 9:30am with Registration, through to 4:30pm. There will be a sandwich lunch, the cost of attending will be £10, please read on for more details of the programme and participants.

The prospective General Election Candidate for the seats within the North-East of Scotland will also be attending the event. They will give and show and tell session on their campaign priorities and answer members questions.

Workshops will be held by:

  • ALDC - Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors and Campaigners
  • Engender - a group focused on a vision for a Scotland in which women and men have equal opportunities in life, equal access to resources and power, and are equally safe and secure from harm.
  • HQ Team - a workshop on best practice in membership recruitment and retention. 

Mini Motions: These were successfully introduced at the Autumn Conference back in November 2023 in Edinburgh.

What are Mini-Motions? These involve members submitting concise policy ideas of fewer than 150 words for inclusion in a brief, thematic debate. Each debate will feature different policy suggestions, touching upon a wide array of topics, such as education, health, the environment, energy, and more. For the mini-conference we are limiting the session to two mini motions.

What happens at the debate? The member proposing the mini-motion will be expected to give a brief introduction to their mini-motion, and other members will be able to speak to or against the mini-motion from the floor.

Will there be a vote? Yes. An indicative vote taken at the end of these debates is a crucial feature. While the result does not directly form party policy, they will instead be taken on board by the local parties who make up the North-East group for discussion. The proposer of the mini-motion along with speakers will then be invited to work with members of the group to develop a motion to submit to the next full Scottish Party Conference for consideration. 

How should a mini-motion be constructed? You require three elements:

A title, short concise statement. A policy suggestion, beginning with the words "We recommend" or "We propose" followed by your policy statement. The final element is a short set of bullet points outlining the policy benefits. 

To see more information about mini-motions click this link to the definition on the Scottish Party website. click here. 

The North-East group will decide on the two mini-motions to be debated. They may contact members submitting motions on similar topics to combine them.

Deadline for submission will be 1st February 2024

A sandwich lunch will be provided on the day, the cost is included in the ticket price. Please ensure to make known any dietary requirements by clicking the button on the email sent out.