A talk and Q&A with Rob Blackie, LibDem Mayoral candidate for London
at St Alfeges Church Hall
Event Details
Join us for a talk and Q&A organised by the Lewisham and Greenwich LibDems with Rob Blackie the LibDems Mayoral candidate for the London elections in May 2024.
When: Wednesday 24th January
Where: St Alfege Church Hall, Roan Street, London SE10 9JT.
The talk will start promptly at 7pm with doors opening at 6.45pm. There will be a glass of wine and snacks available and a raffle. A donation towards the cost of the event would be much appreciated. Donate to Lewisham here and to Greenwich here.
St Alfege Church Hall is accessible by rail - Greenwich mainline station is 10 minutes walk (either exit from the station). The Cutty Sark DLR stop is also 10 minutes walk and Buses 129, 177, 188,199, 286 and 386 all serve the area.
There is no public parking available in the churchyard but on street parking using meters is nearby (free after 6.30pm). Public carparks nearby are at Burney Street SE10 8EX and Cutty Sark Gardens SE10 9HT.
Do come and hear Rob speak - he is a passionate campaigner who has stood up for justice and fairness throughout his whole life. He's shown that he is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to tackling problems that London faces. Perhaps you have a question for him?
Sign up here to join the event so that we know how many people to expect.