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An Evening with Ian Dunt

An Evening with Ian Dunt

9th May 2023 6pm - 8:30pm
Greenwich Mean Time


General admission
£10.00 + Free fee

Sold Out

Event Details

By his own account a “jumped-up baldy” and “liberal extremist”  Ian Dunt is one of Britain’s best-known political commentators. He has literally written the book on modern liberalism (“How to be A Liberal”, 2020), as well as winning plaudits for “Brexit: What the Hell Happens Now”.

Ian will be in discussion with our parliamentary candidate Edward Lucas, talking about the failings of our political system and how to fix them, which he outlines in his latest book: “How Westminster Works... And Why It Doesn’t”. Signed copies will be on sale.

Don’t miss this chance to catch up with Ian’s acerbic and insightful take on the challenges and opportunities we face.

Drinks from 1800, discussion 1900 onwards