West Northamptonshire Lib Dems Annual General Meeting
at The Sawpits Centre
Event Details
The AGM is an opportunity to look back over the past year whilst also planning for the future within West Northamptonshire. There will be a report from our Chair, Andrew Simpson, and from the Treasurer and the presentation of the accounts and reports from other officers.
There will also be elections to volunteer on our Executive Committee for 2023. Any Lib Dem member can stand to be a local party officer in West Northamptonshire Liberal Democrats.
The role of various officers can be found at www.libdems.org.uk/agm-job-descriptions. All you need is two other members to nominate you and this can be done at the meeting on 12 November 2022 or by completing the Nomination Form attached and returning it to me.
We would encourage you attend in person, but we are providing Zoom facilities for the meeting if you prefer. If so, it is important that you are connected to Zoom. Therefore, if you have received this notice by post rather than email and wish to attend please could you let me know an email address.
The Zoom invitation is:
Meeting ID: 871 4972 3475
Passcode: 229780
Bob Symons
West Northamptonshire LibDems
e-mail: secretary@wnld.org.uk